  • France
  • Spain
  • Belgique
  • Chine


What is organic farming?
Organic farming is a method of production that is concerned with respecting natural balances. It is committed to sustainable management, respecting natural balances and biodiversity, and producing high quality products in a way that is not harmful to the environment or health.

The Golden Rules of Organic Farming

Organic farming adheres to very strict rules:

  • Use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) is forbidden
  • Respect for seasonal rhythms and ecological balance
  • Selection of vegetable varieties most suited to the local soil and resistant to parasites and diseases
  • Crop rotation
  • Biological pest control (control against pests and undesirable plants using natural organisms)
  • Respect for the wellbeing of animals (organic food, homeopathic cures)

Organic farming produces 20-50% less greenhouse gases than intensive farming*.
Organic production in effect is based on non-polluting methods of production (natural fertilizers, crop rotation…) that protect soil quality and the water table.
Organic farming helps protect the environment by respecting the natural balance and forbidding the use of chemical fertilizers.
*Aubert, C. Colloque agriculture et changement climatique. Clermont Ferrand 17-18 April 2008.

The A-Z of reliability and traceability

logo ecocert

From the field to the table, from producer to consumer, AB (Agriculture Biologique) labelled products guarantee total traceability throughout all their stages. Companies that produce, transform and distribute organic products submit to several checks and must achieve approved certification status. In France, only 6 bodies have been accredited by the government. Ecocert is the most well-known.
All of Babybio’s products have been certified Ecocert sas F-32600.

    Labels: not all that is green is organic

logo AB
Exclusively awarded by the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fishing, this logo guarantees that a product is composed of at least 95% organically grown ingredients and is produced in accordance with current French legislation.
logo européen
Just like the previous logo, this new European logo will now appear on organic products.

Eat well, eat organic

Many studies have shown the benefits of organically grown ingredients. Harvested when ripe, organic products have a much lower nitrate and pesticide content, lower water content and many more nutritional properties thanks to their preserved minerals and trace mineral supplements
(for example, results of the QLIF research programme cited on:

Fair trade: what is it?

Fair trade aims to establish trade relationships that are fair to all. It promotes artisan cooperatives and producers in developing countries by guaranteeing correct remuneration for their work. These in return, make several commitments: forced labour is forbidden, non-discrimination between men and women, child labour is forbidden, guaranteed working conditions... Some of our ingredients, such as bananas, quinoa and vanilla are fair trade products.

Sustainable development, a responsible attitude

Fulfilling the needs of current and future generations without endangering the future: Humans must learn to use natural resources while renewing them. Eating organic food helps support sustainable farming and a lasting world.