0-4 months 
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0-4 months

bébés de 0 à 4 mois

Your child's progress

From birth to 4 months your baby exclusively drinks milk. Gradually, he holds his head up better and better. Little by little he starts to grip light objects and play with his hands. He reacts to sound and follows a bright coloured object with his eyes.
He is sensitive to sounds and particularly to his mother's voice and emits little guttural sounds. He seeks human contact and fixes his gaze on his parents' faces. He adores caresses and massages. He expresses almost everything through tears and starts to smile from the first month.

Our advice

See our advice about development, nutrition and sleep for babies from 0 to 4 months. See also our practical advice sheets.

repas bébés 0-4 mois   sommeil bébés 0-4 mois   éveil bébés 0-4 mois

Our commitments

our commitments

Babynat is subject to the very strict specifications of child regulations.
See our commitments