Our nutrition advice for babies from 6 to 8 months.
From 6 months, Baby starts to chew even if he has no teeth.
Little by little, you can offer him new tastes and textures.
Do not insist if your baby rejects a food but do not hesitate to offer it to him again a few days later. Respect his tastes and his appetite.
The consistency of the purees that you offer him can be thickened to go from mixed to processed in a mill.
The addition of proteins (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, yoghurt...) must be done progressively and in very small quantities.
15g of cooked meat or fish or 2 tea spoonfuls per day will be enough.
You can also start to give half a cooked egg yoke mixed with vegetables.
In the evening, it is recommended not to give meat, in consequence the introduction of meat, eggs or fish should ideally be done at midday.
When weaning is complete, it is advisable to use Babynat Organic Follow-On Milk.