6-8 months Sleep 
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6-8 months: Sleep

Our advice about sleep for babies from 6 to 8 months

Most babies at this age sleep easily for 9 or 10 hours or more at a stretch.
Only some still wake in the night and do not want to go back to sleep...
A single solution: reassure them and remain firm.


About the 8th month, baby can experience separation from his parents as a difficult thing to get over.
He has just become aware that he is a different being to his mother and this is characterised by a feeling of anxiety.
At this stage, you must explain clearly and firmly that it is time to go to sleep in the evening or that night is falling and the whole world is asleep if he wakes during the night. It is important to reassure him and calm his anxieties but also to show him that he has no other choice but to go back to sleep.
You must explain to him that you yourself are asleep in the next bedroom and that everything is all right. You must believe this yourself; your baby will feel it, calm down and go back to sleep.

Time to him

Other advice: at this moment in his life, even more than at any other, you must devote time to him when you return in the evening if you work. He still needs this contact and your attention. These little moments spent together will help to turn this difficult corner.

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