4-6 months Development 
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4-6 months: Development

Our advice about development for babies from 4 to 6 months.

At 4 months, his hands are more and more skilful and he now succeeds in holding toys firmly. He now seeks to touch, manipulate and let go of anything that he can.

Adapted toys

Their preferred toys are rattles and frames installed above their play mat or bed. He appreciates colours and the sounds of rattles but he cannot yet pick it up if it escapes from his hands. In shaking it all his senses are then in alert.
The mobile is fascinating for him: turning above him, the forms and colours capture his gaze. He also likes to play with rubber animals with, of course, the giraffe with its long neck that allows him to seize it and carry it easily to his mouth to suck.
Playmats are also an exceptional playground offering your baby varied visual and sound stimuli. You can create a "home made" one with the ends of fabrics of different colours and textures (wool, velvet, silk, nylon fleece...). Make the mat big enough for baby to move around on it at will.
More generally, toys are precious tools that will help your baby to become different from his environment, a unique being.

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