4-6 months Nutrition 
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4-6 months : nutrition

Our nutrition advice for babies from 4 to 6 months.

conseils nutrition pour bébés de plus de 4 mois

Weaning can happen from four months, a fundamental step for both the baby's development and his taste education.
In fact, correct weaning is one of the ways of preventing certain adult illnesses like obesity. This is why Babynat jars have no added sugar and no added salt. During this period, the essential food remains milk but the baby's digestive system is developing sufficiently to absorb other foods.
Towards 5 months, Baby can swallow semi-solid foods because the movements of his tongue become more coordinated.

Principles of weaning

Between 4 and 6 months, baby starts to show his desire to feed differently.
In general, he can sit up with your help and keep food in his mouth.
Sometimes he chews anything within reach, dribbles when he sees something to eat and shows signs of hunger after a feed. When you have decided that it is time to wean him, set a mealtime during which your baby will receive all your attention. Some babies are hungriest in the evening, others in the morning. At the start, you offer him small quantities in a spoon. Do not hurry him, the introduction of a new food is not done in a day but spread over time.
Some babies eat what you offer them and wait for the next. Others do not like the contact of the spoon in the mouth.
It is advisable only to offer him one new food per day so that he discovers the real taste of each food and any intolerance is detected. Among vegetables, you can start with carrots, green beans, spinach, courgettes (with seeds and skin removed), white leek, pumpkins, red beetroot... Among fruits, it is best to give him well-ripened fruit.
Fruit or vegetables must be mixed to obtain a smooth texture and steamed to conserve the vitamins. You can start by mixing a little vegetable or fruit into his bottle of milk if your baby refuses the spoon. Every day, offer your child a few small spoonfuls after the feed if he still appears hungry.
2 weeks later, offer a second spoon fed meal. If the experience appears conclusive, set a third meal 2 weeks later.

Ingredients that you must avoid giving to your baby:

  • wheat and rye: they contain gluten, which can cause celiac problems before the age of 6 months in a small number of babies who cannot tolerate this substance.
  • vegetables that are "strong tasting", an allergy risk or too rich in fibres: cabbages, celeriac, turnips, celery, peppers...
  • exotic fruit like kiwis, mangos, papaya or coconuts

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